Seminar Katedre za računarstvo i informatiku, 30. januar 2014.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u četvrtak, 30. januara 2014. u sali 718 na Matematičkom fakultetu.

Na seminaru će biti predstavljena kompanija Seven Bridges Genomics i može se saznati više o besplatnoj Rubi radionici koju će ova kompanija organizovati tokom februara i marta  2014. Kompanija se bavi izradom softverske platforme za obradu podataka dobijenih iz uzoraka genetičkog materijala.

Detaljnije informacije mogu se naći na


CGTA seminar, 14. januar 2014.

Naredni sastanak CGTA seminara biće održan u utorak, 14. januara 2014, od 18-20h u sali 844 Matematičkog fakulteta.

Predavač: Dušan Milijančević

Naslov predavanja: Dođoh, videh, ... Moje MIT iskustvo

Detaljnije: Pozivamo Vas da se pridružite prvom sastanku CGTA seminara u novoj godini na kom će nam naš mladi kolega Dušan Milijančević izložiti svoja iskustva sa studija na MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

U drugom delu sastanka će nam naša koleginica Kreda Lutalica poželiti srećnu novu godinu podelivši sa nama i druge novosti iz matematike.

Predavanje je namenjeno svim studentima i najtalentovanijim profesorima i nosi žig "Živa matematika".


Obaveštenje - obavezni preventivni pregledi studenata

Zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu studenata - obaveštenje


Povelje zahvalnosti za saradnju. Nagrađeni i pohvaljeni studenti povodom Dana Matematičkog fakulteta

Povodom Dana Matematičkog fakulteta povelje zahvalnosti i pohvale u jubilarnoj 2013. godini uručene su brojnim cenjenim saradnicima - ambasadama, institucijama, udruženjima, kompanijama, pojedincima, kao  i studentima.

Iako se pominje 2013. godina, u najvećem broju slučajeva navedeno se odnosi na višegodišnju saradnju i zalaganje.



Časopis Serbian Astronomical Journal indeksiran na SCIe listi

Časopis Serbian Astronomical Journal (, koji zajednički izdaju Astronomska opservatorija i Matematički fakultet u Beogradu, prihvaćen je od strane Thomson Reuters instituta za referisanje na SCIe listi.

Thomson Reuters je obavestio uredništvo da će u Web of Science biti uneti svi brojevi izašli od 2011. godine (sveska 182). Časopis će istovremeno biti referisan i u Current Contents bazi, u sekciji Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences.

Čestitamo uredništvu Serbian Astronomical Journal-a i kolegama koji su u prethodnom periodu doprineli da časopis postigne kvalitet i redovnost koje su ga preporučile za ulazak na listu.


Seminar za računarstvo i primenjenu matematiku, 30. decembar 2013.

Naredni sastanak Seminar za računarstvo i primenjenu matematiku biće održan u ponedeljak, 30. decembra 2013. u 14:15, sala 301f, MI SANU:

Predavač: Dejan Milojičić, HP Labs, USA, 2014 IEEE Computer Society President

Naslov predavanja: IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY 2022 REPORT

Sadržaj: Predicting future is hard and risky. Predicting future in computer industry is even harder and riskier due to dramatic changes in technology and limitless challenges to innovation - to bringing new technology into a broad use. Only a small fraction of innovations are truly disrupting the state of the art. Some are not practical or cost-effective, others are ahead of its time, yet others do not have market. Nine technical leaders in IEEE Computer Society have spearheaded writing a Technical Report titled IEEE CS 2022, symbolically surveying 22 potential technologies that can change the landscape of computer science and industry by the year 2022. In particular, they have surveyed the following technologies: 3D printing, big data and analytics, open intellectual property movement, massive online open courses, security cross-cutting issues, universal memory, 3D integrated circuits, photonics, cloud computing, computational biology and bioinformatics, device and nanotechnology, sustainability, high performance computing, the Internet of things, life sciences, machine learning and intelligent systems, natural user interfaces, networking and interconnectivity, quantum computing, software defined networks, multicore, and robotics. For each of the 22 technologies, a common approach has been taken: summary of the state-of-the-art, challenges, where we think the technology will go, and what is disruption. We have tied these technologies into a common scenario that we call seamless intelligence. Together they represent a common view of the future. Independently, we have surveyed a few thousand IEEE members on the technology drivers and disruptors. They have confirmed some of our predictions and provided another perspective on the future of technology advancements. Finally, we have endeavored to predict what kind of future society is needed for our profession, for professionals that will be learning, practicing and putting into use the technologies we presented in this paper.This presentation was intended for computer science professionals, students and professors, as well as laymen interested in technology and technology use. It is also targeted to members of computer society and similar societies around the world, daring to predict what kind of a future professional society will be best suited to take discussed technologies to the next level through its publications, conferences, communities, standards, courses, and future artifacts in support of our profession and humanity.

O predavaču: Dr Dejan Milojicic is a senior researcher and senior manager at HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA, working in the technical areas of systems software, distributed systems, high performance computing and service management. He is IEEE Computer Society 2014 President. He is a founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE ComputingNow (2008-2012) and past chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems (2000). He has been on many program committees of ACM, IEEE and USENIX conferences (ICDCS, CLOUD, ICWS, EDOC, AAMAS, ICAC, Middleware, HotCloud, IC2E, etc.) and on journal editorial boards (IEEE Internet Computing and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing). He has been a member of IEEE CS, ACM, and USENIX for over 20 years. He worked in OSF Research Institute, Cambridge, MA [1994-1998], and Institute "Mihajlo Pupin", Belgrade, Serbia [1983-1991]. He is teaching a class on Cloud Management at SJSU, San Jose CA. He received his PhD from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany (1993); and MSc/BSc from Belgrade University, Serbia (1983/86). He has been on 6 thesis committees (GaTech, UIUC, Monash, USP) and has guided over 40 interns. Dejan is an IEEE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Engineer, and USENIX member. Dejan has published over 130 papers and 2 books; he has 12 patents and 25 patent applications.


Radno vreme službi Fakulteta u toku praznika

14. januara 2014. organizuju se dežurstva po stručnim službama u periodu od 10 do 15 sati.


Odbrana doktorske disertacije, 24. decembar 2013.

Odbrana doktorske disertacije kandidata Vladimir Perovića pod nazivom "RAZVOJ MULTIFUNKCIONALNE BIOINFORMATIČKE PLATFORME ZASNOVANE NA POTENCIJALU ELEKTRON - JON INTERAKCIJE BIOLOŠKIH MOLEKULA", biće održana 24. decembra 2013. sa početkom u 18 časova.


Odeljenje za matematiku, 27. decembar 2013.

U okviru seminara Odeljenja za matematiku u petak 27. decembra biće održana dva predavanja.

Prvo predavanje biće održano sa početkom u 13 časova u sali 301f MI SANU.

Predavač: Vladimir Dragović, Matematički Institut SANU


Sadržaj: Razmatramo bilijare unutar nekonveksne granice koja se sastoji od lukova konfokalnih kvadrika i koja sadrži ispupčene uglove.

Tako uvodimo novu klasu dinamičkih sistema koja ima fascinantna dinamička i geometrijska svojstva, koja se bitno razlikuju od uobičajene integrabilne dinamike i koje nazivamo pseudo-integrabilnim.

Predstavićemo njihova najvažnija topološka, aritmetička i ergodička svojstva. Jedan od glavnih instrumenata je merljiva folijacija. Tretira se i pitanje periodičkih orbita.

Osnovni rezultati su dobijeni u zajedničkom radu sa Milenom Radnović [1]. Povodom značajnog jubileja, dvesta godina Velike Ponseleove teoreme 1813-2013, pomenućemo i druge nedavne rezultate vezane za Ponseleove porizme [2-6].

[1] V. Dragović, M. Radnović, Bicentennial of the Great Poncelet Theorem (1813-2013): Current Advances, in press, 72 pages, Bulletin of the AMS, 2014

[2] V. Dragović, M. Radnović, Ellipsoidal billiards in pseudo-Euclidean spaces and relativistic quadrics. Adv. Math. 231, 2012, no. 3-4, 1173-1201

[3] V. Dragović, M. Radnović, Poncelet porisms and beyond. Integrable billiards, hyperelliptic Jacobians and pencils of quadrics. Frontiers in Mathematics. Birkhauser\Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2011

[4] V. Dragović, Geometrization and Generalization of the Kowalevski top, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2010, Vol. 298, no. 1, p. 37-64

[5] V. Dragović, Poncelet-Darboux curves, their complete decomposition and Marden theorem International Math. Res. Notes, 2011, Vol. 2011, p. 3502-3523

[6] V. Dragović, M. Radnović, Hyperelliptic Jacobians as billiard algebra of pencils of quadrics: beyond Poncelet porisms. Adv. Math. 219, 2008, no. 5, 1577-1607

Drugo predavanje biće održano sa početkom u 14 časova u sali 301f MI SANU.

Predavač: Pavle Blagojević, Matematički Institut SANU

Naslov predavanja: ON $k$-REGULAR MAPS (Predavanje održano u Prinstonu)

Sadržaj: The question about the existence of a continuous $k$-regular map from a topological space $X$ to an $N$-dimensional Euclidean space $R^N$, which would map any $k$ distinct points in $X$ to linearly independent vectors in $R^N$, was first considered by Borsuk in 1957.

In this talk we present a proof of the following theorem, which extends results by Cohen--Handel 1978 (for $d=2$) and Chisholm 1979 (for $d$ power of $2$): For integers $k$ and $d$ greater then zero, there is no $k$-regular map $R^d \rightarrow R^N$ for $N < d(k-a(k))+a(k)$, where $a(k)$ is the number of ones in the dyadic expansion of $k$.

Joint work with G. M. Ziegler and W. Luck.


Seminar za geometriju, vizualizaciju i obrazovanje sa primenama, 26. decembar 2013.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u četvrtak, 26. decembra 2013. sa početkom u 17:15 časova u sali 301f, Matematičkog instituta SANU.

Predavač: Miloš Antić, Matematički Fakultet u Beogradu

Naslov predavanja: Submanifolds of restricted type (prikaz rada)

Sadržaj: Na predavanju će biti predstavljen rad:
Bang-Yen Chen, Franki Dillen, Leopold Verstraelen, Luc Vrancken, Submanifolds of restricted type, Journal of Geometry Vol.46 (1993.)

Podmnogostrukost M^n euklidskog prostora R^m je "restrihovanog tipa" ako je operator oblika vektora glavne krivine tangentan deo fiksirane linearne transformacije od R^m.

Pokazaćemo da je hiperpovrš u R^m "restrihovanog tipa": ili minimalna površ, ili deo Dekartovog proizvoda sfere i linearnog potprostora od R^m, ili cilindar nad ravanskom krivom koja je "restrihovanog tipa".

Daćemo i klasifikaciju ravanskih krivih "restrihovanog tipa".
