Odbrana doktorske disertacije Milice Makragić

Odbrana doktorske disertacije Milice Makragić „O prstenu trigonometrijskih polinoma sa primenama u teoriji analitičkih nejednakosti“, biće održana u četvrtak 21.06.2018. godine u 17.00 časova, u  sali 704.


Odbrana doktorske disertacije Ivana Čukića

Odbrana doktorske disertacije Ivana Čukića „Funkcionalno i imperativno reaktivno programiranje upotrebom generalizacije monade nastavka u programskom jeziku C++“, biće održana u četvrtak  28.06.2018. godine u 18.00 časova, u BIM sali.


Javni poziv za saradnike, Zavod za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja, prijave do 29.06.2018.

Zavod za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja upućuje poziv svim zainteresovanim licima, sa odgovarajućim obrazovanjem i radnim iskustvom u struci, da se prijave na Javni poziv za obrazovanje liste spoljnih saradnika Zavoda za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja.

Sa utvrđene liste spoljnih saradnika Zavod će birati saradnike koji će obavljati poslove koji su  predmet Javnog poziva.

OPŠTI USLOVI: Svi kandidati moraju imati najmanje odgovarajuće visoko obrazovanje stečeno na  studijama prvog i drugog stepena za obrazovno-vaspitni rad u osnovnom i opštem srednjem obrazovanju i vaspitanju, kao i najmanje pet godina radnog iskustva u struci.

Krajnji rok za dostavljanje potrebne dokumentacije lično ili za predaju preporučene pošiljke je  29.06.2018. godine.

Nedopuštene, neblagovremene i nepotpune prijave neće se razmatrati.
Ovaj poziv je objavljen na sajtu Zavoda http://www.ceo.edu.rs dana 14. 06. 2018. godine.

Lice ovlašćeno za dodatna obaveštenja u vezi sa prijavom je Jelena Isaković, imejl: office@ceo.gov.rs.



Seminar Teorija verovatnoća i matematička statistika, 21. jun 2018.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u četvrtak, 21. juna 2018. u sali 830 Matematičkog fakulteta sa početkom u 16 časova.

Predavač: Jelena Bradić, University of California, San Diego


Apstrakt: In high-dimensional linear models, the sparsity assumption is typically made, stating that most of the parameters are equal to zero. Under the sparsity assumption, estimation and, recently, inference have been well studied. However, in practice, sparsity assumption is not checkable and more importantly is often violated; a large number of covariates might be expected to be associated with the response, indicating that possibly all, rather than just a few, parameters are non-zero. A natural example is a genome-wide gene expression profiling where all genes are believed to affect a common disease marker. We show that existing inferential methods are sensitive to the sparsity assumption, and may, in turn, result in the severe lack of control of Type-I error. In this article, we propose a new inferential method, named CorrT, which is robust to model misspecification such as heteroscedasticity and lack of sparsity. CorrT is shown to have Type I error approaching the nominal level for any models and Type II error approaching zero for sparse and many dense models.   In fact, CorrT is also shown to be optimal in a variety of frameworks: sparse, non-sparse and hybrid models where sparse and dense signals are mixed. Numerical experiments show a favourable performance of the CorrT test compared to the state-of-the-art methods.

Obaveštenje se može videti i na strani http://www.stat.matf.bg.ac.rs/srpski.htm


Odbrana doktorske disertacije Aleksandra Đenića

Odbrana doktorske disertacije Aleksandra Đenića „Rešavanje diskretnih lokacijskih problema primenom metode promenljivih okolina“, biće održana u utorak 19.06.2018. godine u 16.00 časova, u sali 706.


International conference -Geometry Days in Novosibirsk-2018-, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 19-22, 2018.

The Laboratory of Topology and Dynamics of Novosibirsk National Research State University and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics organize International Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk — 2018". It will be held in Novosibirsk, Russia, September 19 — 22, 2018. The scientific program will include 50-minutes plenary lectures and 20-minutes sectional talks. Conference languages are English and Russian.

Detailed information can be found on conference web-page


Probni prijemni ispit, subota 16.06.2018.

Probni prijemni ispit će se održati u subotu 16. juna 2018. godine u 9:45 časova u prostorijama zgrade na Studentskom trgu 16. Kandidati koji rade probni prijemni ispit treba da ponesu ličnu kartu (u slučaju da neko od kandidata nema ličnu kartu, potrebno je da ponese neki drugi identifikacioni dokument, na kome se nalazi fotografija kandidata), olovku i uplatnicu.

Raspored kandidata po salama


Seminar Katedre za računarstvo i informatiku, 14. jun 2018.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u četvrtak, 14. juna 2018. u sali 718 Matematičkog fakulteta sa početkom u 18:15 časova.

Predavač: prof. Nikitas N. Karanikolas, Dept. of Informatics and Computer Engineering, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece


Apstrakt: In this lecture we define the required steps for Natural Language Understanding. We discuss about te relevant topics which are Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Representation, Disambiguation, Anaphora resolution, Pragmatics and Discourse analysis. Next we discuss about some Natural Language Processing tasks. We provide information about Summarization, text Classification, Computer Assisted Assessment, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Subjectivity Analysis, Corpus Building, etc.

Napomena: U utorak, 12. juna, prof. Karanikolas će održati predavanje sa drugačijom tematikom na Filološkom fakultetu sa početkom u 18 časova.


Apstrakt: The purpose of this work is to define an automatic machine learning approach that learns rules of how to transcribe Greek words into the International Phonetics Association’s (IPA’s) phonological alphabet. It is an algorithmic approach that mines rules of phonologic transcription from training data (phonologically transcribed Greek words) that are available in the internet and in other resources. In the first half of this lecture, we will define phonology, phonological alphabets and pre-required knowledge.

Detaljnije informacije se mogu pronaći na: http://computing.matf.bg.ac.rs


Geometrija, obrazovanje i vizualizacija sa primenama, 14. jun 2018.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u četvrtak, 14. juna 2018. u sali 301f Matematičkog instituta SANU sa početkom u 17:15 časova.

Predavač: Jelena Stojanov, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin" u Zrenjaninu


Apstrakt: The anisotropic Beltrami framework is presented as a useful geometrical tool in image processing. Image surface evolution is provided by an anisotropic flow provided by a Polyakov energy Lagrangian. Particularly, the Synge-Beil flow is derived. Application aspects will be considered.

This is joint work with Vladimir Balan.


Odeljenje za matematiku, 14. jun 2018.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u utorak, 14. juna 2018. u sali 301f Matematičkog instituta SANU sa početkom u 14:15 časova.

Predavač: Dragan Mašulović, Departman za matematiku i informatiku, Novi Sad


Generalizing the classical results of F. P. Ramsey from the late 1920`s, the structural Ramsey theory originated at the beginning of 1970’s. We say that a class $K$ of finite structures has the Ramsey property if the following holds: for any number $k ge 2$ of colors and all $A, B in K$ such that $A$ embeds into $B$ there is a $C in K$ such that no matter how we color the copies of $A$ in $C$ with $k$ colors, there is a monochromatic copy $B`$ of $B$ in $C$ (that is, all the copies of $A$ that fall within $B`$ are colored by the same color).

Showing that the Ramsey property holds for a class of finite structures $K$ can be an extremely challenging task and a slew of sophisticated methods have been proposed in literature. These methods are usually constructive: given $A, B in K$ and $k ge 2$ they prove the Ramsey property directly by constructing a structure $C in K$ with the desired properties.

It was Leeb who pointed out already in early 1970`s that the use of category theory can be quite helpful both in the formulation and in the proofs of results pertaining to structural Ramsey theory. Instead of pursuing the original approach by Leeb (which has very fruitfully been applied to a wide range of Ramsey problems) we proposed in the last few years a set of new strategies to show that a class of structures has the Ramsey property. In this talk we explicitly put the Ramsey property and the dual Ramsey property in the context of categories of finite structures. We use elementary category theory to generalize some combinatorial results and using the machinery of very basic category theory provide new combinatorial statements (whose formulations do not refer to category-theoretic notions) concerning both the Ramsey property and the dual Ramsey property.
