Prezentacija -Doktorska disertacija: oblikovanje prema uputstvima Univerziteta u Beogradu-, 6. decembar 2018.

Prezentacija je namenjena doktorandima Matematičkog fakulteta u Beogradu u finalnoj fazi izrade njihove doktorske disertacije.

Neke od tema koje su obuhvaćene prezentacijom su:

- elementi disertacije prema uputstvima Univerziteta u Beogradu,
- obavezni prilozi,
- vidljivost teza na evropskim i svetskim portalima itd.

Termin održavanja je četvrtak, 6. decembar 2018. u 11 časova u Biblioteci, kancelarija 409 na prvom spratu.

Vreme trajanja prezentacije je 45 minuta.

Obavezna je prijava na mejl:

Prezentaciju drži bibliotekarka Matematičkog fakulteta Miljana Todorović.


Seminar za teoriju brojeva i automorfne forme, 7. decembar 2018.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u petak, 7. decembra 2018, u sali 843 Matematičkog fakulteta sa početkom u 11 časova.

Predavač: Goran Đanković, Matematički fakultet - Univezitet u Beogradu



Geometrija, obrazovanje i vizualizacija sa primenama, 5. decembar 2018.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u sredu, 5. decembra 2018. u sali 301f Matematičkog instituta SANU sa početkom u 14 časova.

Predavač: Ljubica Velimirović, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, Serbia

Naslov predavanja: ON KNOTS AND ENERGIES

Apstrakt: This is talk based on the joint research with Louis Kauffman, Marija Najdanović and Svetozar Rančić. Knot theory is the study of mathematical models of knotting phenomena, often motivated by considerations from biology, chemistry, and physics (Kauffman 1991). Physical knot theory is used to study how geometric and topological characteristics of filamentary structures, such as magnetic flux tubes, vortex filaments, polymers, DNA`s, influence their physical properties and functions. It has applications in various fields of science, including topological fluid dynamics, structural complexity analysis and DNA biology (Kauffman 1991 , Ricca 1998,). Traditional knot theory models a knot as a simple closed loop in three-dimensional space. Such a knot has no thickness or physical properties such as tension or friction. Physical knot theory incorporates more realistic models.

The talk is devoted to the shape descriptors of knots during infinitesimal bending. The problem of infinitesimal bending of knots is a special part of the theory of deformation. Bending theory considers bending of manifolds, isometric deformations as well as infinitesimal bending. It requires use of differential geometry, mechanics, physics and has applications in modern computer graphics. Infinitesimal bending is "almost" an isometric deformation, or it is an isometric deformation in a precise approximation. Arc length is stationary under infinitesimal bending with a given precision.

We will discussed here: Mobius energy, Willmore energy, Total curvature, Total torsion, Total normalcy. Some examples are visualised developed by Svetozar Rančić and coauthors. Instead of using existing software capable to do symbolic and numeric calculations, we decided to develop our own software tool in Visual C++.


Gostovanje Bernda Šturmfelsa, 3-4.12.2018.

Bernd Šturmfels će 3. i 4. decembra 2018. gostovati u Matematičkom institutu SANU.

Bernd Šturmfels, laureat Džordž Dejvid Birkhof nagrade 2018. za primenjenu matematiku, direktor Maks Plank Instituta za matematiku u nauci u Lajpcigu i profesor matematike i računarstva na Univerzitetu Kalifornija u Berkliju, dobitnik mnogih značajnih priznanja i jedan od vodećih naučnika u oblasti matematike i računarstva današnjice.

Prilikom posete, profesor Šturmfels će održati mini-kurs „Tenzori u primenjenoj algebarskoj geometriji“, kao seriju od tri predavanja od kojih će se dva održati u ponedeljak 3.12.2018. u sali 301f na  Matematičkom institutu SANU, a treće u utorak 4.12.2018. u Sali 2.

Program mini-kursa - Tensors in Applied Algebraic Geometry

Ponedeljak, 3. decembar, 12.00-13.00

Bernd Šturmfels - Eigenvectors of Tensors

Abstract: Eigenvectors of square matrices are central to linear algebra. Eigenvectors of tensors are a natural generalisation. The spectral theory of tensors was pioneered by Lim and Qi around 2005. It has numerous applications, and ties in closely with optimization and dynamical systems. We present an introduction that emphasizes algebraic and geometric aspects.

Ponedeljak, 3. decembar, 17.00-18.30

Bernd Šturmfels - Gaussian Mixtures and Their Tensors

Abstract: Mixtures of Gaussians are ubiquitous in data science. We discuss the geometry of these statistical models, with focus on the tensors that represent their higher moments. The familiar theory of rank and borderrank for symmetric tensors is recovered when all covariance matrices are zero. We seek to decide which Gaussian mixtures are identifiable from their moments.

Utorak, 4. decembar, 10.30-11.30

Bernd Šturmfels - Varieties of Signature Tensors

Abstract: We discuss recent developments in computational algebraic geometry that were motivated by the study of rough paths in stochastic analysis. Every path in a real vector space is encoded in a signature tensor whose entries are iterated integrals. As the path varies over a nice family we obtain an algebraic variety with interesting properties.

Nadamo se da ćete svojim prisustvom uveličati ovaj, za matematiku i računarstvo u Srbiji, značajan događaj i uvereni smo da ćemo svi zajedno uživati u predavanju velikog majstora!


Predavanje Sigurnost u bazama podataka, 4.12.2018.

Milan Starčević, iz Zuehlke kompanije, održaće predavanje pod nazivom Sigurnost u bazama podataka.

Predavanje će se održati u utorak, 4. decembra 2018. sa početkom u 18 sati u sali 718.

Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da prisustvuju predavanju.


Deveti simpozijum Matematika i primene, 30.11. i 1.12.2018.

NOVO: Fotografije - Simpozijum 2018.


15th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Sept 2019, Belgrade

The biennial ECSQARU conferences constitute a major forum for advances in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty, with a focus on bringing symbolic and quantitative aspects together.

Contributions come from researchers interested in advancing the scientific knowledge and from practitioners using uncertainty techniques in real-world applications. The scope of the ECSQARU conferences encompasses fundamental issues, representation, inference, learning, and decision making in qualitative and numeric uncertainty paradigms.

For ECSQARU 2019 we invite submissions of original papers on topics which include but are not limited to:

- Algorithms for uncertain inference
- Applications of uncertain systems
- Argumentation systems
- Automated planning and acting under uncertainty
- Belief functions
- Belief change & merging
- Classification & clustering
- Decision theory & decision graphs
- Default reasoning
- Description logics with uncertainty
- Foundations of reasoning under uncertainty
- Fuzzy sets & fuzzy logic
- Game theory
- Hybrid reasoning
- Imprecise probabilities
- Inconsistency handling
- Information fusion - Learning for uncertainty formalisms
- Learning for uncertainty formalisms
- Logics for reasoning under uncertainty
- Markov decision processes
- Possibility theory & possibilistic logic
- Preferences
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Probabilistic logics
- Qualitative uncertainty models
- Rough sets
- Uncertainty & data

Important dates:

May 3, 2019:        Abstract submission deadline
May 10, 2019:       Paper submission deadline
June 11, 2019:      Author notification
Sept 18-20, 2019:   ECSQARU 2019

More info


Odbrana doktorske disertacije Petra Melentijevića

Odbrana doktorske disertacije  Petra Melentijevića: „Procene gradijenata funkcija i normi operatora u teoriji harmonijskih funkcija“, biće održana u utorak 04.12.2018. godine u 18.00 časova, u  sali 706.


Odbrana doktorske disertacije Olivere Stančić

Odbrana doktorske disertacije Olivere Stančić - „Problemi hab maksimalnog pokrivanja – novi matematički modeli i metode rešavanja“, biće održana u petak 07.12.2018. godine u 12.00 časova, u sali 706.


Odeljenje za matematiku, 30. novembar 2018.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u petak, 30. novembra 2018. u sali 301f Matematičkog instituta SANU sa početkom u 14:15.

Predavač: Jelena Jocković, Matematički fakultet - Univerzitet u Beogradu


Analitička kombinatorika je relativno nova oblast, koja povezuje kombinatoriku, analizu i ideje o klasifikaciji matematičkih struktura potekle iz računarstva. Na predavanju će biti dat kratak uvod u tehnike analitičke kombinatorike, sa naglaskom na primerima koji se odnose na prebrojavanje različitih matematičkih objekata.


[1] Sedgewick, R., Flajolet, P., "An introduction to the analysis of algorithms".
[2] Flajolet, P., Sedgewick, R., "Analytic combinatorics".
