Mini kurs ''Geometry of Gauge Fields'', 4-6. decembar 2013.

Prof. Paolo Asciheri, sa Univerziteta u Alesandriji, Italija održaće mini-kurs pod nazivom "Geometry of Gauge Fields", u periodu od 4-6. decembra 2013.

Termini predavanja su:

  • Sreda 4. decembar: 13-15, Fizički fakultet učionica 661,
  • Četvrtak 5. decembar: 15-17, Fizički fakultet učionica 750,
  • Petak 6. decembar: 11-13, Institut za fi ziku, Zemun sala 300.

Dobrodošli su svi zainteresovani. Naročito se pozivaju studenti 4. godine, masteri doktorskih studija koji su zainteresovani za teorije gradijentnih polja i njihovu matematičku formulaciju da prisustvuju ovim predavanjima.

-a very short course-

We will start from physical considerations regarding the motion of a quantum particle in a magnetic f ield background, and see how consistency of the system requires the flux of the magnetic f ield to be integer valued. The geometric structure underlying this integrality condition is that of a principal U(1) bundle. We will then describe (nonabelian) vector bundles and principal bundles from a local perspective (transition functions) and a global one. Their diff erential geometry is that of gauge fields. The seminar will be divided in three parts:

1. Electromagnetism in Quantum Theory and Dirac Charge Quantization,
2. Vector bundles and principal bundles,
3. Di erential geometry of bundles: connections and curvatures.

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