Letnja škola i radionica 'Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields' u organizaciji Instituta 'Galileo Galilei', 12. jun-28. jul 2023, Firenca

Instituta "Galileo Galilei" iz Firence organizuje jednonedeljnu letnju školu (https://www.ggi.infn.i /showevent.pl?id=446) i radionicu "Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields" (https://www.ggi.infn.it/showevent.pl?id=441) u periodu od 12. juna do 28. jula 2023.
Najavljeni predavači i teme:
John Barrett: Introduction to Non-Commutative Geometry
Peter Bouwknegt: Surjective submersions, Bundle Gerbes, Group Cohomology and Applications
Pavel Mnev: An introduction to the BV-BFV program
Alexander Polishchuk: Moduli of stable supercurves and the superstring measure
Kasia Rejzner: BV formalism in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory
Christoph Schweigert: A skein theoretic approach to CFT correlators
Postoji mogućnost finansijske podrške učešća i obezbeđenje smeštaja za mlade istraživače i studente doktorskih studija.
Rok za prijavu je 28. februar 2023. Neophodno je popuniti formular na stranici

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