Zajednički sastanak Odeljenja za matematiku i Odeljenja za mehaniku, 31. avgust 2010.


Matematički institut SANU organizuje zajednički sastanak Odeljenja za  matematiku i Odeljenja za mehaniku, u utorak, 31.8. u 18h u sali 2 SANU.

Predavač: prof. Oskar Mencer, Imperial College London

Naziv predavanja: Vertical Acceleration: From Algorithms to Logic Gates

Abstract. Huge growth in the complexity of science over the past decade has driven the need for ever more computationally demanding mathematical models. This has in turn led to massive growth in data center compute capacity, and consequently power and cooling requirements. We report the real-world results from Maxeler Technologies to improve the price-performance and just raw speed for financial and seismic computations by using custom computing machines. The key to our acceleration approach is the vertical acceleration of key pieces of the algorithms, including the bit level, arithmetic level, architecture level, and algorithm level.


Sastanak Odeljenja za matematiku, 16. avgust 2010.

Detaljnije: Vanredni sastanak Odeljenja za matematiku, odrđžaće se u ponedeljak, 16. avgusta 2010 u sali 2, SANU u 11h.

Zoran Obradović Director, Center for Information Science and Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

Naslov predavanja:
Structured Regression by Continuous Conditional Random Fields and Multiple Noisy Oracles


We will first describe and evaluate our new kind of probabilistic model for structured regression called continuous conditional random fields (CCRF) that uses multiple non-structured predictors as its features. These features are constructed such that the result is a Gaussian predictor where learning is reduced to convex optimization leading to a global solution for a set of parameters while inference is conveniently conducted through matrix computation.
Then, we will present a new Bayesian approach that learns a regression model from data with noisy labels obtained by multiple oracles. Our method provides a closed form solution for model parameters and in our experiments was consistently more accurate than a model trained with averaged estimates from multiple oracles as labels.
Presented results are obtained in collaboration with Y. Guo, V. Ouzienko, V. Radosavljevic, K. Ristovski and S. Vucetic at Temple University. Both articles will appear at the Proc. 19th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, Aug. 2010.

Zoran Obradovic, professor of Computer and Information Sciences and the director of the Center for Information Science and Technology at Temple University in Philadelphia is an internationally recognized leader in data mining and bioinformatics.  He has published about 220 articles addressing data mining challenges in health informatics, climate and ecological management, the social sciences, and other domains. Obradovic was the program chair at six, track chair at seven and program committee member at about 40 international conferences on data mining. He currently serves as an editorial board member at seven journals and is the executive editor at the journal on Statistical Analysis and Data Mining which is the official publication of the American Statistical Association (ASA).


Studentski tim Matematičkog fakulteta osvojio 4 srebrne medalje na međunarodnom takmičenju IMC 2010 u Blagoevgradu

Detaljnije: Sa zadovoljstvom Vas obaveštavamo da je studentski tim Matematičkog fakulteta u sastavu:

Marija Jelić, Marijana Smailagić, Igor Uljarević i Raca Todosijević

pod iskusnim rukovodstvom prof. Đorđa Dugošije osvojio 4 srebrne medalje na prestižnom međunarodnom takmičenju iz matematike  IMC 2010 u Blagoevgradu, Bugarska (International Mathematics Competition for University Students 2010

Čestitamo takmičarima i svima koji su pomogli i doprineli velikom uspehu. Planiramo da krajem avgusta ili  početkom septembra organizujemo prijem povodom postignutih rezultata naših studenata.

U ime dekanskog kolegijuma Matematičkog fakulteta,
prof dr Miodrag Mateljević


Sastanak CGTA seminara, 13. jul 2010.

Detaljnije: Naredni sastanak CGTA seminara održaće se u utorak, 13.07.2010, od 18-20h, na Matematičkom fakultetu, IV sprat (BIM sala)

Predavač: Ph.D., Mathematics, Princeton University Professor of Mathematics, Brandeis University

Naziv predavanja: An introduction to higher torsion invariants of smooth bundles and related topics.

Predavanje je zamišljeno kao veoma interaktivno, tj. prilika da se postave pitanja  o nekim od centralnih tema topologije, geometrije i algebre iz oblasti ekspertize prof. Iguse.

Drugo predavanje tokom svog boravka  Beogradu prof Igusa će održati u okviru Odeljenja za matematiku, u petak, 16.07.2010. u 14h (sala 2, SANU)


Abstract: In this talk I will explain the definitions of categories of graphs and matroids, review recent results about the homotopy type of categories of graphs and its relationship to the cohomology of the mapping class group of a punctured surface and show how these are related to the category of regular matroids and their generalizations. I will explain the purpose of this theory and some preliminary results, most of which are in my paper ``Families of regular matroids'' which is on the ArXiv.

Napomena: Zamišljeno je da oba predavanje budu preglednog karaktera, pristupačna i interesatna širem krugu slušalaca uključujući i mlade matematičare i studente.

Profesionalni detalji o prof. Igusi mogu se naći na:


Sastanak CGTA seminara, 6. jul 2010.

Detaljnije: Naredni sastanak CGTA seminara održaće se u utorak, 6. jula 2010. od 18:00 - 20:00 časova, na IV sprat (BIM sala)

Predavač: Rade Živaljević

Naziv predavanja: Matroidi, 15-minutni kurs za nespecijaliste.

U Beogradu će kao gost Matematičkog fakulteta i Matematičkog instituta od 13-16. jula boraviti poznati američki matematičar Kiyoshi Igusa (Brandeis University).

Profesor Igusa će održati predavanje 13. jula u redovnom terminu CGTA seminara, kao i predavanje na Odeljenju za matematiku MI SANU, u petak, 16.07.2010. 14 časova, sala 2 SANU pod naslovom THE CATEGORY OF REGULAR MATROIDS.
Naš plan je da na sastanku 6.07. napravimo pregled fascinantne (!) teorije matroida i pokušamo da objasnimo kako i zašto se krug zatvorio u algebarskoj topologiji. Začetnik teorije matroida je isti onaj Hassler Whitney koji je koautor Stiefel-Whitney-ovih karakterističnih kohomoloških klasa a profesor Igusa  ( je poznat po svojim velikim doprinosima topologiji i geometriji (higher torsion invariants of smooth bundles itd.)

Najava predavanja:

Kiyoshi Igusa, Ph.D., Mathematics, Princeton University
Professor of Mathematics, Brandeis University : "The category of regular matroids".

Abstract: In this talk I will explain the definitions of categories of graphs and matroids, review recent results about the homotopy type of categories of graphs and its relationship to the cohomology of the mapping class group of a punctured surface and show how these are related to the category of regular matroids and their generalizations. I will explain the purpose of this theory and some preliminary results, most of which are in my paper "Families of regular matroids" which is on the ArXiv.

Napomena (R.Živaljević, CGTA-seminar): Profesor Igusa je vrlo poznati specijalista za algebrasku topologiju ali i mnoge druge oblasti matematike. U podnaslovu rada ''Families of regular matroids'', arXiv:0911.2014v2 [math.CO], na kome je bazirano ovo multidisciplinarno predavanje, stoji:
"This paper is dedicated to my late friend, relative and fellow Mathematician Dragan Acketa who loved matroids".


Seminar Geometrija, vizuelizacija i obrazovanje sa primenama, 1. jul 2010.

Detaljnije: Naredni sastanak Seminara Geometrija, vizuelizacija i obrazovanje sa primenama održaće se u četvrtak, 1. jula 2010, u 17:15h u prostorijama Matematičkog instituta, sala 301f.

Predavač: Ivko Dimitrić

Naslov predavanja: "Krivinski-prilagodjene hiperpovrši simetričnih prostora ranga 1 i njihov Cenov tip".


Seminar za istoriju i filozofiju matematike, mehanike i astronomije, 13. jul 2010.

Detaljnije: Vanredna sednica Seminara za istoriju i filozofiju matematike, mehanike i astronomije održaće se 13. jula 2010. u 12:15h na MI SANU, sala 301F na trećem spratu.

Predavač: Prof. Dr Martin Gaskel, Katedra za astronomiju, Univerzitet u Teksasu, Austin, SAD;

Naziv predavanja: "O ASTRONOMIJI I BIBLIJI".

Više informacija o predavanju prof Gaslela možete naći ovde .


Sastanak CGTA seminara, 29. jun 2010.

Detaljnije: Naredni sastanak CGTA seminara održaće se u utorak, 29. juna 2010, od 18-20h na Matematičkom fakultetu (IV sprat, projektor sala).

Tema sastanka: Razgovor o radu i informacije u vezi sa konferecijama, novim projektima itd.


Seminar iz astronomije i astrofizike, 29. jun 2010.

Detaljnije: U utorak, 29. juna 2010. u 18h održaće se naredni sastanak Seminara iz astronomije i astrofizike.

Predavač: dr Nicole Vilmer(LESIA-Paris Observatory)
Naziv predavanja: "Sunce i heliosfera"

Seminar će se održati u prostorijama Katedre.


Treća medjunarodna škola iz astronomije: Astroinformatika-Virtuelne opservatorije, 29.6- 1.7.2010, Matematički fakultet, Beograd

Matematički fakultet u Beogradu i Astronomska opservatorija u Beogradu organizuju Treću medjunarodnu školu iz astronomije: Astroinformatika - virtuelne opservatorije, koja će se održati od 29.06. do 01.07. 2010. godine u Beogradu. Njeni polaznici su studenti sa doktorskih i master studija univerziteta u Srbiji i drugih univerziteta sa teritorije bivše Jugoslavije. Predavači u školi su priznati stručnjaci sa domaćih i stranih institucija sa kojima Matematički fakultet i Astronomska opservatorija imaju saradnju.

Program skupa mozete preuzeti ovde , a više informacija može se naći na sajtu
