Семинар за рачунарство и примењену математику, 9. јун 2020.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан на даљину, у уторак 9. јуна 2020. са почетком у 14:15 часова.

Предавач: Нада Сталетић, Факултет организационих наука, Универзитет у Београду


The paper studies the citizens` readiness for implementation of crowdsourcing services of a smart city. The main goal is to develop a methodological approach that would enable the identification of those crowdsourcing services based on the Internet of things and mobile technologies that are expected to encourage the participation of citizens. The research focus is on developing countries and cities not yet fully aligned with smart city standards. The methodological approach of examining citizens` readiness was based on an analysis of various models of crowdsourcing, such as crowd wisdom, crowdfunding,  crowdvoting and crowdsensing, and their application in various fields, such as traffic, environmental conservation, utility services and health. The data was gathered in the city of Belgrade, the capital city of the Republic of Serbia, for two years through a survey that included a sample of 210 citizens. The results indicate that citizens are ready to accept crowdsourcing services based on crowdfunding,  crowdvoting and crowd wisdom models. In addition, the results reveal that citizens are interested in environmental conservation (crowdfunding services that support solar energy development and environmental protection) and public transportation (crowdvoting and crowd wisdom services that can improve the state of the public transport). The obtained results could serve as a good basis for initiating the realization of smart city projects in Serbia. In addition, the proposed methodological approach and conclusions could also serve as a part of a wider framework for the selection of  implementation projects in other cities and governments.

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