Семинар за геометрију, образовање и визуализацију са применама, 17. мај 2012.

Наредни састанак Семинара за геометрију, образовање и визуализацију са применама одржаће се у четвртак, 17. маја 2012. у 17 сати, сала 301ф, МИ САНУ.

Предавач: Марија Ћирић, Природно-математички факултет, Ниш

Наслов предавања: Infinitesimal deformations of curves, surfaces and manifolds

Садржај: Infinitesimal deformations of the curves, the surfaces and generalized Riemannian spaces are discussed. Specially, infinitesimal bending of the surface is studied. An infinitesimal bending field of Gaudi surfaces is found. The variation of some geometric magnitudes is examined (Willmore energy, total mean curvature, volume of generalized cone).

Infinitesimal bending of an arbitrary curve which lies on some surface (sphere or rulled surface) but such that all bent curves belong to the same surface is investigated and determined corresponding infinitesimal bending field.

Infinitesimal geodesic deformations of generalized Riemannian space are studied. It is given necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of non-trivial geodesic mapping of generalized Riemannian space, as well as for existence of non-trivial infinitesimal geodesic deformation of that space. It is proved that there exists a non-trivial infinitesimal geodesic deformation of generalized equidistant space.

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