Одељење за математику, 22.јун 2011.

Наредни састанак Одељења за математику одржаће се у среду, 22. јуна 2011. у 14 часова у сали 2 САНУ.

Предавач: Сергеј Мелихов, Стеклов институт Руске Академије наука


Abstract: We offer the following explanation of the statement of the Kuratowski graph planarity criterion and of 6/7 of the statement of the Robertson-Seymour-Thomas intrinsic linking criterion. Let us call a cell complex 'dichotomial' if to every cell there corresponds a unique cell with the complementary set of vertices. Then every dichotomial cell complex is PL homeomorphic to a sphere; there exist precisely two 3-dimensional dichotomial cell complexes, and their 1-skeleta are K_5 and K_{3,3}; and precisely six 4-dimensional ones, and their 1-skeleta all but one graphs of the Petersen family.

In higher dimensions n>2, we observe that in order to characterize those compact n-polyhedra that embed in S^{2n} in terms of finitely many "prohibited minors", it suffices to establish finiteness of the list of all (n-1)-connected n-dimensional finite cell complexes that do not embed in S^{2n} yet all their proper subcomplexes and proper cell-like combinatorial quotients embed there. Our main result is that this list contains the n-skeleta of (2n+1)-dimensional dichotomial cell complexes. The 2-skeleta of 5-dimensional dichotomial cell complexes include (apart from the three joins of the i-skeleta of (2i+2)-simplices) at least ten non-simplicial complexes.

The talk is based on the preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.5457

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