Семинар Геометрија и примене, 14. децембар 2023.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан онлајн у четвртак, 14. децембра 2023. са почетком у 17.15.

Предавач: Agota Figula, University of Debrecen

Апстракт: The first attempt to deal with differentiable or analytic loops was to follow the ideas of Sophus Lie and to characterize differentiable loops by their tangential objects. This research program has been successfully applied to differentiable Moufang loops (they are automatically analytic) by Kuzmin, Kerdman and Nagy. By their results the theory of differentiable Moufang loops has been carried up to the level of the theory of Lie groups. It fails to be true for differentiable loops in general. In this talk I would like to give some results about the tangential algebras of tangent prolongation of differentiable loops as well as about  the classification of 5-dimensional Malcev-like binary Lie algebras.

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Meeting ID: 927 8184 9630

Passcode: 998408

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