Семинар Геометрија, образовање и визуелизација са применама, 10. април 2014.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у четвртак, 10. априла 2014, са почетком у 17:15 часова у сали 301ф, Математичког института САНУ.


Eberhard Malkowskya, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Fatih University

Vesna Veličović, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Nis

Наслов предавања: Summability, Compactness and Visualisations

Садржај: The theory of matrix transformations is a wide and im- portant eld in modern summability theory. It focuses on establishing necessary and sucient conditions on the entries of an in nite matrix to be a map between given sequence spaces. We present a survey of the most important concepts and methods applied in the solutions of these tasks. Those characterisations and the Hausdor measure of noncompactness can be applied to determine various classes of com- pact matrix operators between certain sequence spaces. Finally we visualise some of our presented results.

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