Education Verification

Degree Verification


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4. This service is free of charge

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Pre-doctoral summer school in Quantitative Biology, July 8-19, 2019

In recent years, the concepts and tools of mathematics, physics, statistics and engineering have had a fundamental impact in biological research. Bioinformatics and in general the analysis of genomics data are largely based on statistics. Physical forces have finally been recognized as critical for shaping the behavior of cells. The ability of cells to read the environment and react accordingly via the expression of different classes of genes has been rationalized with the use of elegant mathematical models.

This pre-doctoral school will be an opportunity to experience research in an interdisciplinary environment.

We propose to students near the end of their undergraduate studies to familiarize with some of the concepts of quantitative sciences widely used in biological research.

The school is designed especially for students who are considering pursuing a PhD in research areas at the interface between biology and quantitative sciences. Students interested in exploring such opportunities in PhD programs at IFOM are especially encouraged to apply.

Up to twenty students will be selected. Attendance and lodging will be fully covered.

For more information you can write to

Pre-doctoral summer school in Quantitative Biology at IFOM, Milan - Italy (July 8-19, 2019)

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2019

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The quantum Steenrod square and related operations, 18.12.2018.

Nicholas Wilkins, University of Oxford will give a lecture "The quantum Steenrod square and related operations" in the frame of Symplectic topology Seminar on Tuesday, Dec 18, 2018 from 16:00 to 18:00 in room 821.

Abstract: The Steenrod square is a ring homomorphism from the cohomology of a topological space to the Z/2-equivariant cohomology of this space (with the trivial Z/2-action). Given a closed monotone symplectic manifold, we will define a deformed notion of the Steenrod square for quantum cohomology, which will not in general be a ring homomorphism, and talk about some properties and calculations. We will then frame these in the broader setting of Seidel’s equivariant pair-of-pants product.

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15th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Sept 2019, Belgrade

The biennial ECSQARU conferences constitute a major forum for advances in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty, with a focus on bringing symbolic and quantitative aspects together.

Contributions come from researchers interested in advancing the scientific knowledge and from practitioners using uncertainty techniques in real-world applications. The scope of the ECSQARU conferences encompasses fundamental issues, representation, inference, learning, and decision making in qualitative and numeric uncertainty paradigms.

For ECSQARU 2019 we invite submissions of original papers on topics which include but are not limited to:

- Algorithms for uncertain inference
- Applications of uncertain systems
- Argumentation systems
- Automated planning and acting under uncertainty
- Belief functions
- Belief change & merging
- Classification & clustering
- Decision theory & decision graphs
- Default reasoning
- Description logics with uncertainty
- Foundations of reasoning under uncertainty
- Fuzzy sets & fuzzy logic
- Game theory
- Hybrid reasoning
- Imprecise probabilities
- Inconsistency handling
- Information fusion - Learning for uncertainty formalisms
- Learning for uncertainty formalisms
- Logics for reasoning under uncertainty
- Markov decision processes
- Possibility theory & possibilistic logic
- Preferences
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Probabilistic logics
- Qualitative uncertainty models
- Rough sets
- Uncertainty & data

Important dates:

May 3, 2019:        Abstract submission deadline
May 10, 2019:       Paper submission deadline
June 11, 2019:      Author notification
Sept 18-20, 2019:   ECSQARU 2019

More info

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Department of Astronomy Seminar, Nov 27th 2018

The next meeting of the Seminar will be held on Tuesday 27th Nov 2018, 18.00, room 809.

Lecturer:  Oleg Egorov (SAI MSU & SAO RAS, Russia)

Lecture: "Feedback-driven superbubbles and triggering of star formation in
nearby dwarf galaxies"

Abstract: Stellar feedback is important process regulating ISM morphology and kinematics: cumulative action of winds and ionizing radiation from massive stars with a following supernova explosions blow out superbubbles having sizes from a few pc to several kpc. This process is especially important in  dwarf irregular galaxies, which thick gaseous disk and lack of the density waves allow such structures to live longer and grow to a larger sizes than in spiral galaxies. The interaction of the giant HI supershells might trigger a new burst of star formation in a galaxy, while the influence of ongoing star  formation in their rims might lead to dissolution of the HI structures. In our ongoing survey with the Russian 6-m telescope we study the gas morphology, kinematics and young stellar population in star forming regions of nearby dwarf irregular galaxies.

In my talk I will briefly review some results. Several tens of the ionized superbubbles were identified and analyzed (including old supernovae remnants); certain signs of propagating of star formation were  found. We argue that at least in several galaxies the collision of the giant kpc-sized supershells plays important role in the triggering of a new burst of star formation.

Seminar of Department of Astronomy is held every second Tuesday during the semester (occasionally more frequently) in classroom 809 starting at 6 PM. Seminar coordinator is Dragana Ilić (initiator and coordinator until 2016 was Dejan Urošević).


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The 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, from November 15, 2018, until February 15, 2019

Calling outstanding young researchers in mathematics and computer science!

The application process for the 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum has begun

Young researchers in computer science and mathematics, from all over the world, can apply for one of the 200 coveted spots to participate in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), an annual networking event. The HLF offers all accepted young researchers the great opportunity to personally interact with the laureates of the most prestigious prizes in the fields of mathematics and computer science. For one week, the recipients of the Abel Prize, the ACM A.M. Turing Award, the ACM Prize in Computing, the Fields Medal, and the Nevanlinna Prize engage in a cross-generational scientific dialogue with young researchers in Heidelberg, Germany.

The application period for the 7th HLF runs from November 15, 2018, until February 15, 2019. Young researchers at all phases of their careers (undergraduate/pre-master, graduate PhD or postdoc) are encouraged to complete and submit their applications by February 15 (midnight at the dateline) via the following link:

The 7th HLF will take place from September 22 to 27, 2019 (with young researcher registration on September 21). This prominent, versatile event combines scientific, social and outreach activities in a unique atmosphere, fueled by comprehensive exchange and scientific inspiration. Laureate lectures, young researcher workshops and a structure welcoming unfettered discussions are the elements that compose the Forum`s platform.

All applications that are completed and submitted by the deadline are meticulously reviewed by an international committee of experts to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are invited. There are 100 spaces available for each discipline of mathematics and computer science. All applicants will be notified by the end of April 2019 whether or not they will be invited.

For questions regarding requirements and the application process, please contact Young Researchers Relations at:

For more information, please visit:

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NCD Review - paper submission for December 2018 Issue, by December 1, 2018

It is our pleasure to invite you to submit your papers for NCD Review. Papers will be peer-reviewed for the publication in December 2018 in Issue 33 of the international journal Review of the National Center for Digitization.

Submissions should be sent by email to: (in subject line please note: NCD Review, paper submission for December 2018 Issue) by December 1, 2018.

The guideline for writing a paper

Papers have to be written in English.

Kind regards,
Editorial "NCD Review"

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The Master`s degree programme «Cryptography», starts in Sept 2018.

Master in Cryptography from Novosibirsk State University is an innovative programme designed to involve young researchers in the field of modern cryptography and bring them onto a high professional level in this area. The programme covers all basic aspects of cryptography and cryptanalysis and provides deep theoretical and practical background in this field.

Professionals in cryptography are invited to deliver lectures: Bart Preneel (Belgium), Lars Knudsen (Denmark), Lilya Budaghyan (Norway), Gregor Leander (Germany), Stjepan Picek (Netherlands), Sugata Gangopadhyay (India), Nicky Mouha (USA) and other specialists.

For more details and actual information, please, visit

For all questions, please, do not hesitate to contact Novosibirsk State University that is located in the world-famous scientific center in the heart of Siberia – Akademgorodok.

Cryptography NSUCRYPTO!

* The programme starts in September 2018.
* Duration of study is two academic years.
* Language of instruction is English.
* Tuition fees: U.S. $3800 per year.


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The Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory, May 28th - June 3rd, 2018

The Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory will take place at UConn during Monday, May 28th to Sunday, June 3rd, 2018, organized by Jennifer Balakrishnan, Keith Conrad, Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, and Liang Xiao.

There are two components:

Summer School (May 28th - June 1st) in number theory for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students.

Research Conference (June 1st - June 3rd) on arithmetic geometry and number theory.

This conference is funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, the Number Theory Foundation, and UConn.

For more details, please look at

If your questions are not answered there, please email the organizers at

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Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students (G-RIPS)-Berlin, deadline 15 April 2018.

The Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects (G-RIPS)

Program provides an opportunity for high-achieving graduate-level students to work in teams on a real-world research project proposed by a sponsor from industry or the public sector. Each G-RIPS team is comprised of four international students (two from the US and two from European universities), an academic mentor, and an industrial sponsor. The research problem is always a real problem of serious interest to the sponsor and that offers a stimulating challenge to students.
Most of these projects involve both analytic and computational work. The students, with direction from their academic mentor and industrial sponsor, will learn about the problem, master the latest analytical and computational approaches and techniques to solve it. At the end of the program, the teams will present the results of their work and prepare a final report. English is the only language required for participation.

The 2018 G-RIPS program is jointly organized by Zuse Institut Berlin, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (LA, USA) and the Research Campus MODAL Berlin.

Deadline for application is 15 April 2018.
Scholarships for travel and living expenses are available.
For more information and application, please visit the project website:


Prof. Dr. Christof Schuette (ZIB, FU Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Tim Conrad (ZIB, FU Berlin)
Dr. Stefan Zachow (ZIB)
Prof. Dr. Ralf Borndoerfer (ZIB, FU Berlin)
Dr. Jonas Schweiger (ZIB)
Dr. Milena Petkovic (ZIB)
Prof. Dr. Christian Ratsch (IPAM, UCLA)

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